Ich Ich - Stark (Official Video)
When Ideal singer and Rio Reiser producer Annette Humpe met singer Adel Tawil (also co-owner of production company Trackworks) in a Berlin studio in 2002, she was impressed enough with his voice to start a collaboration with him. They formed the duo Ich + Ich ("I + I"), performing melancholy pop songs with beats, guitars, and occasional rap lyrics. "Geht's Dir Schon Besser?" ("Do You Feel Better Yet?"), their first single, was released in November 2004. The two follow-up singles, "Du Erinnerst Mich an Liebe" ("You Remind Me of Love") and "Dienen" ("Serve") both entered the German Top Ten, as did the accompanying self-titled album. Ich + Ich's 2006 tour through Germany was an immense success as well, with almost all of their dates being sold out. The group managed to top this triumph with the release of their second effort, Vom Selben Stern ("From the Same Star"), which topped the album charts; the title track, selected as the first single, peaked at number three in the Top Ten and remained there for over 20 weeks; the music video features several well-known people, among them Udo Lindenberg, Silbermond singer Stefanie Kloß, and even James Last. The follow-up single, "Stark" ("Strong"), entered the charts at number four and then climbed up to number two.
Ich Ich - Stark (Official Video)
Das Musikvideo zu Stark wurde in Berlin gedreht. Zu sehen ist Tawil, der ein Konzert gibt und anschließend mit einem Taxi nach Hause fährt. Das Taxi wird von Humpe gesteuert. Während der Taxifahrt erinnert sich Tawil an vergangene Konzerte und Feierlichkeiten zurück und überdenkt, ob seine Darstellung nach außen die richtige ist. Die Gesamtlänge des Videos beträgt 4:03 Minuten.[6] Regie führte Oliver Sommer.[7] 041b061a72